Local Intermunicipal Urban Plan (PLUI)
in Pays d’Opale

What is a Local Urban Plan?

The local Intercommunal urban plan (PLUi) is an urban planning document which, at the scale of a territory, establishes a global urban planning and development project and consequently sets the general rules for land use on the territory considered.

The PLUi must allow the emergence of a shared territorial project taking into account both national and territorial planning policies and local specificities.

The Local Intermunicipal Urban Plan is a document based on considerations of general interest. It therefore determines the conditions for development that respects the principles of sustainable development (in particular through economical management of space) consistent with realistic demographic, economic and social prospects and with concern for the protection of the environment, natural environments and agricultural activities.

Access – Urban planning geoportal

Modification of the PLUI

Simplified modification procedure n°1 of the Local Intermunicipal Urban Plan v2

The public is informed that by decree n° 2023-11 dated July 2023, the President of the Community of Communes Pays d’Opale has prescribed a simplified modification n°1 of the PLUi, as well as the conditions for making the public of simplified modification file no. 1 from July 31, 2023 to August 31, 2023 inclusive.

Thus, the complete file, as well as a register with non-moving sheets sides, will be deposited in the following places at the usual days and hours of opening of the town hall and the Community of Communes (with the exception of Sundays and days holidays) :

  • Guînes Town Hall: 23 place du Maréchal Foch – 62340 Guînes
  • Community of Communes Pays d’Opale: 9 avenue de la Liberation, 62 340 Guînes

The public will be able to read the file and record their observations in the registers opened for this purpose or send them by correspondence to the President of the Communauté de Communes Pays d’Opale, at the aforementioned address.

Throughout the period of availability, the file may be consulted via the EPCI website at the following address: www.cc-paysdopale.fr

At the end of the provision, the President will present the results to the deliberative assembly of the Community of Communes Pays d’Opale. The latter will deliberate on it and may adopt the project, possibly modified to take into account the opinions expressed and the observations of the public by reasoned deliberation.

Information relating to this file can be requested from the President of the Communauté de Communes Pays d’Opale.

Order of June 28 – simplified modification prescription

Deliberation of March 9 – simplified modification prescription

OAP simplified modification

List of pieces

Simplified modification notice 1

Zoning Pays de Guînes

Modification procedure 1 of the PLUI

Report of the Investigating Commissioner