Sentier des 5 Ruisseaux 37 km

Discover the Pays d’Opale region and experience unforgettable hikes in just one click! Take advantage of our partner Strava’s geotagged route for an immersive and secure hiking experience.The 5 Creeks Trail Places of interest : The countryside in 1900 with...

Sentier de la Chapelle Saint-Louis 30 km

The Chapelle Saint Louis trail Places of interest : Chapelle Saint Louis: Above Guémy, the ruins of the Chapelle Saint Louis, founded in the 13th century, remain. Situated on the last foothills of the Artois, overlooking the maritime plain, Mont Saint Louis rises to...

Entre-les-Bois trail 20 km

The Sentier entre les Bois route Curiosities : The Forêt Domaniale de Guînes is home to an incredible wealth of flora and fauna. As you stroll through the forest, you may come across deer, wild boar,… For the record, the numerous pine forests were planted after...

Vallée Madame trail 19 km

The Vallée Madame trail To discover : La Vallée Madame: On this trail, you’ll take in the Vallée Madame, which, according to local legend, owes its name to the gallant nature of the rendezvous that once took place there between damoiselles and damoiseaux. Le...

Véloroute des Marais 7 km

The Véloroute des Marais route Places of interest : The canal – A strategic waterway: the presence of water was initially used for military purposes. It’s easy to imagine Sifrid the Dane’s drakkar venturing into the riverbed in 928, in the middle of...