RSA Service
in Pays d’Opale
RSA Service
The Active Solidarity Income (RSA) ensures a minimum level of income for individuals without resources and varies depending on the household composition. In return, the recipient commits to actively seeking employment, undertaking the necessary steps to start their own business, or achieving better social and/or professional integration. The Local Insertion Allowance Service (S.L.A.I.) of the Pas-de-Calais Department directs the user to a counselor who accompanies them, enabling progress in their life journey. With this purpose, the support helps the beneficiary overcome obstacles and facilitates their integration.
Caroline CORBEAU
Social and Socio-Professional Coordinator
Olivier DECOCQ
Head of the RSA Service
Solidarity and Socio-Professional Coordinator
Virginie Juillien
Solidarity and Socio-Professional Coordinator
Caution! The RSA is subject to compliance with the law and obligations. Recipients may face penalties if:
He/She fails to attend appointments related to RSA benefits
He/She neglects necessary administrative procedures.
He/She does not actively participate in the support process.
He/She does not agree to sign a Mutual Commitment Contract.
In its numerous daily missions assisting the user, the RSA coordinator supports the beneficiary with dematerialized procedures such as quarterly declarations to the CAF, applications or renewals for eligibility to the CSS (Complementary Universal Health Insurance). Health-related issues are also addressed with assistance in completing health-related paperwork. The coordinator also serves as a liaison with the local social inclusion and housing service (SLISL) for access to or maintenance of housing, with energy providers, as well as with the Banque de France for situations of over-indebtedness.
Furthermore, the coordinator mobilizes the beneficiary’s own resources and skills, along with various social and professional integration actions, towards removing barriers to returning to employment. Once these barriers are overcome, the coordinator redirects the beneficiary to the services of Pôle Emploi (Employment Center), to one of the structures for insertion through economic activity, or any other dynamic orientations toward employment.