Véloroute des Marais 7 km

The Véloroute des Marais route Places of interest : The canal – A strategic waterway: the presence of water was initially used for military purposes. It’s easy to imagine Sifrid the Dane’s drakkar venturing into the riverbed in 928, in the middle of...

Sentier de la Colonne Blanchard 30 km

Le Chemin de la Colonne Blanchard What to discover Tour de l’Horloge: Atop the feudal motte, you can admire the Tour de l’Horloge, built in 1763. Around the monument is now a family museum where you can dress up as Vikings or knights to recreate the...

Sentier du Ventu 15 km

The Ventu trail route 1- The trail starts in front of the church and town hall in the village of Alembon. Follow the D191 and pass in front of the church. 2- Turn right and continue straight on rue haute. 3- At the fork in the road, turn right onto the track that...