Sentier de la Colonne Blanchard 30 km



Le Chemin de la Colonne Blanchard

What to discover

Tour de l’Horloge: Atop the feudal motte, you can admire the Tour de l’Horloge, built in 1763. Around the monument is now a family museum where you can dress up as Vikings or knights to recreate the history of Guînes.

Curiosities :

The Hardinghen coal mines opened in 1683, the first in France! Soon after, many workers came to the town, making it a true mining town. In the main hall of the town hall, you can admire the statue of Sainte Barbe, the patron saint of miners. During the Revolution, the statue was hidden in a well to protect it.

This monument is the symbol of a great aeronautical achievement. On January 7, 1785, Mr. Blanchard and Mr. Jeffries completed the first air balloon journey between England and France. The Blanchard Column was built on the exact spot where they landed.