La balade d’Hardinghen 5 km

1- Departure from Estaminet le Lion d’Or, in front of Sainte-Marguerite church. Follow the footpath in front of you, which runs alongside the cemetery until you reach rue du Colombier. 2- Turn left onto the first street on your right. At the end of this street,...

Tadpole Trail 1.8 km

1- As you leave the parking lot, take the decked path in front of you. The first sign indicates that you have arrived at the Marais de Guînes-Eden 62. Continue straight ahead when you come to the first crossroads. You can stop for a moment in front of the second sign,...

Sentier du Funquet 7 km

1- You begin this hike on the narrow road beside the church of Boursin. Turn right and go straight up to the calvary. 2- At the calvary, take the right-hand track up to the Y-intersection, where you fork onto the right-hand path that runs alongside “Les...

Sentier de la Vieille Motte 6.5/9.5 km

1 – Depart from the small parking lot in front of the church. 2 – Go straight ahead. At the end of the road, turn left. 3 – Go straight on. Turn left and go straight on. 4 – Pass over the TGV bridge, go straight on and downhill to the left. 5...