Other means
of travel
in Pays d’Opale

imag’in Calais Opale Bus

From Guînes, you can easily travel to the Calais urban area for free using bus line 6, which connects Guînes – Théâtre, and bus line 13, which connects Guînes – Pihen-les-Guînes, Bonningues-les-Calais, Peuplingues, Cité de l’Europe, and Théâtre, operated by SITAC (Intermunicipal Transport Union of the Calais Urban Area). If you don’t live in Guînes, public transportation connectivity is conveniently provided through the Green Taxi or the carpooling area at La Minoterie.

Schedules and information:



Accessible from Guînes, Vel’in is the self-service bike system of SITAC. It’s a network of over 50 stations. Move freely from one station to another with Vel’in access; it’s free and without time limits.

With Vel’in access, you only pay for what you use, and with each rental, you get one hour for free. To rent a bike, use your Vel’in card or identify yourself on the terminal with a missed call from the mobile phone registered on your Vel’in account!

Opening hours and information:


Transport in the Hauts-de-France Region

The Region organizes interurban coach transport services, complementing the railway offer and urban transport networks. This transport service, open to everyone, serves numerous municipalities in the region at very attractive rates.

Let yourself be transported!

Let yourself be transported!

Route 425 Ardres – Calais : Download

Route 428 Licques – Boulogne-sur-Mer : Download

Train Stops at Caffiers and Pont d’Ardres

Mobility Assistance

Renting scooters or vehicles, assistance with obtaining a driving license:

FACE Côte d’Opale supports individuals facing financial difficulties in their mobility to help them secure employment, continue working, or finance a driving license.

For more information: 03 21 34 45 73

To further promote the mobility of young people and maximize their chances of finding employment, the Region is extending individual assistance for obtaining a driving license. This aid is designed to complement the regional youth policy.

Subject to being enrolled in a training program with a driving school, assistance may be granted either for the preparation of the theoretical (written) and practical (driving) tests for the B driving license, or only for the preparation of the practical test (driving) if the theoretical test (written) has already been passed.

For more information:


The Pas-de-Calais Department has made youth one of its priorities. The departmental action aims to promote the autonomy of young people and encourage their civic engagement. Explore the Boost measures for the BAFA (youth work qualification), driving license, and vacations.

For more information: