
This website is the property of Pays d’Opale. The purpose of this site is to provide you with information offered by Pays d’Opale, whose head office is located:​
9 avenue de la Libération
62340 Guînes – FRANCE

Publication director

Madame Blandine HEUX and Monsieur Morgan Pruvot

Site powered by:


Conception and development

Crimson Factory
26 rue Pasteur
Tel.: +33 6 37 52 67 78
E-mail : hello@crimson-factory.fr

Hosting of the website

HOSTINGER INTERNATIONAL LTD, 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus, can be reached by the following means: https://www.hostinger.fr/contact

Intellectual property

The content of this website is the property of Pays d’Opale.
You have the authorization to consult the data it contains for your personal non-commercial use only, which excludes any commercial exploitation at a local, national or international level.
In particular, no logo, text, graphic or image contained in the site may be copied, reproduced, modified, published, issued, posted, transmitted or distributed by any means whatsoever without the prior written authorization of The content of this website is the property of Pays d’Opale.
You have the authorization to consult the data it contains for your personal non-commercial use only, which excludes any commercial exploitation at a local, national or international level.
In particular, no logo, text, graphic or image contained in the site may be copied, reproduced, modified, published, issued, posted, transmitted or distributed by any means whatsoever without the prior written authorization of Pays d’Opale..


The pages of this website may present links with other sites or make references to other sites.
Pays d’Opale does not guarantee the content of these other sites and cannot be held liable for damages resulting from the use of the content of these sites.
Links to other sites are provided solely as a convenience to the user of this website.


Pays d’Opale cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from an interruption, any malfunction whatsoever, and this for any reason whatsoever, or even for any direct or indirect damage which would result , in any way, of a connection to the site.
The connection of any person to the site is under his full responsibility.

Photo credits

All photos published on the Pays d’Opale website are protected by copyright.
They cannot be used on another medium without the prior written consent of the author of the photo.

Protection of personal data

We attach particular importance to respect for privacy and your personal data. The protection of your personal data is an essential element of our relationship, whether you are a customer or user of our services and sites. This relationship is based on a principle of transparency aimed at respecting your privacy in accordance with the regulations in force in France and Europe, in particular in application of the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), the ” Regulation “. This chapter informs you about the categories of personal data that we process, how we use them, the categories of recipients to whom we communicate them, as well as the rights you have.

In accordance with the principle of minimization, we only collect the data necessary for the purposes for which they are processed. We may collect personal data directly from you or indirectly through third parties. The user is required to provide this information with full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he enters it himself. It is then specified to the user of the site the obligation or not to provide this information.

The different categories of data collected during your registration and in connection with your use of our services or applications are as follows:

  • Identification data (in particular surname, first name, company name);
  • Contact Data (including postal address, email address, telephone number);
  • Usage data (including web pages visited, destinations called, tools and content);
  • Connection data (including your computer’s IP address, connection and usage logs);
  • Financial data (means and history of payments);
  • Commercial data (list of products and services you benefit from);
  • Location data;
  • Content data.

We only collect personal information relating to the user for the need of certain services offered by this site. Your personal data is collected and processed only on the basis of the legal bases provided for by the Regulations:

1. In the performance of a contract:

  • Customer or user identification and authentication;
  • Communications with the customer (technical and commercial support);
  • Management of pre-litigation, litigation and unpaid bills;
  • Management of rights and requests to exercise the rights of individuals;
  • Provision and operation of the services;
  • Hosting of customer or user data;
  • Administration and management of the network and services.

2. For purposes of legitimate interests or, where applicable, based on your consent:

  • Fight against fraud and prevention of non-payment;
  • Enrichment and enhancement of the customer/prospect base;
  • Provision of localized content and personalized recommendations based on usage analysis;
  • Development of products and services from us or third parties and commercial prospecting;
  • Organization of competitions;
  • Carrying out statistical studies, analyzes and audience measurements;
  • Network deployment and operation;
  • Network security.

3. To ensure compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations as defined by the legislation in force.

The duration of the conversation
We only keep your data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes mentioned above or to enable us to meet our legal obligations. Personal data used for commercial prospecting purposes may be kept for a maximum period of five (5) years from the end of the commercial relationship.

To which recipients?
Your personal data may be processed by authorized personnel of the company, our partners or service providers. The use of these partners or service providers is necessary for the proper performance of the contract between you and us.

What security for your data?
We have defined technical and organizational measures to protect your data appropriately according to their nature, the extent of the processing and their accessibility. This may include, for example, data encryption, management of access rights, secure flows, etc.

Respect for the security and protection of your data is binding on all of our employees as well as our service providers.

What are your rights ?
You can request at any time access to personal data concerning you, their rectification, their erasure (insofar as this does not prevent the proper execution of the contract or the respect of our legal obligations) and the limitation of one or more special processing of data concerning you, under the conditions provided for by the Regulations. You also have the right to modify or withdraw, at any time, the consents you have given us for the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data and the right to their portability, under the conditions set by the Regulations.

Your personal data may be retained or deleted after your death in accordance with the Regulations. You have the right to instruct us to communicate this data to a third party that you have previously designated.

Exercise methods
You can exercise your rights at any time by contacting us via our contact form or by e-mail or by post at:
Pays d’Opale
9 avenue de la Libération
62340 Guînes – FRANCE

You will then have to provide your surname, first name, as well as a copy of your identity document.

Updating transmitted data
It is important that the information you send us is accurate and up-to-date and that you inform us without delay of any significant change affecting you.

To find out more about our Personal Data Protection Policy, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at the following address:

Pays d’Opale
9 avenue de la Libération
62340 Guînes – FRANCE