Economic development
in Pays d’Opale

Thanks to the collaboration of all its partners, the Opal Country Community of Municipalities supports businesses and creators in their projects and inquiries.

Do you have a project for creation, development, or establishment?

Would you like to know about the available financial assistance?

We are here to assist you!

Photo Goran Seiller

Isabelle Prud’homme

Tel: 03 21 00 28 80

Email address

Photo Goran Seiller

Blandine Heux

Tel: 06 20 47 71 55

Email address


Recommendation :
It is crucial to get in touch with us at the outset of your project to benefit from effective support. The same applies to the development of your financial aid requests to maximize their eligibility.

Logo Région Hauts-de-France
Logo CMA Hauts-de-France
Logo CCI Littoral Hauts-de-France
Logo BGE Hauts-de-France
Logo SyMPaC Pays du Calaisis
Logo Initiative Calaisis

Support for the creation of businesses

Starting a business may seem straightforward, but keeping it thriving is another matter! Establishing and sustaining a company, regardless of its nature, requires guidance from the initial idea stage and throughout its existence. To ensure its longevity, foster growth, access various financial aids, or simply because the business landscape is ever-evolving, seeking advice is crucial.

Professionals are here to assist you:

Chambre des métiers et de l’Artisanat Hauts de France,
Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie Littoral Opale,
BGE Littorale Opale.

If you’re planning to start your business in the Opal Coast or if you’re an entrepreneur with a development project, you’re not alone in navigating the labyrinth of programs; our services are here to support you. Contact us, and we’ll connect you with our partners.

Financial support for the creation and development of businesses

    Who is it for?

    • Start-up businesses
    • Small businesses (TPE) with a development project aiming to increase turnover.

    What is it for?

    • Furniture investment expenses necessary for production activities
    • Communication-related investment expenses
    • Interior layout of premises (excluding real estate work)
    • Expenses related to the acquisition of an electric or hybrid professional vehicle.

    How much?

    • 20% of expenses capped at €4,000.


    • Mandatory project support for creation or development by one of the business creation and development partners (BGE, CCI, CMA) who assists you in preparing the file and finding other funding.
    • Submission of the file to the Community of Communes during an appointment organized with a technician.
    • Examination of the request by the Initiatives Calaisis platform.
    • Presentation before the approval committee of the Initiatives Calaisis platform, composed exclusively of professionals from the business world (unless there is a prior presentation within the framework of the honor loan program).
    • Grant decision by the same approval committee based on the professional project.
    • Granting of the subsidy by the Pays d’Opale Community upon presentation of invoices and supporting documents.
    • Community aid for business real estate, reserved for industrial businesses with a real estate investment project aimed at improving turnover. This financial aid often serves as the leverage needed to unlock other public grants (Region, Europe…).
    • Other financial aids for creation and development include:
      The European LEADER program: LEADER Program
      The “Initiatives Calaisis” honor loan: Initiatives Calaisis
      Regional financial aids: Hauts-de-France Guide
      CARSAT aids: CARSAT Aids

    Community activity zones

    Zone d'activités Guines


    Business Zone of Moulin à Huile

    Please note, on this zone, the establishment of new commercial surfaces under 500 m² is prohibited.

    Price: €31 per m²

    Zone d'activités Autingues


    The Moulins Business Zone
    no available plots

    Plat d’Or Business Zone
    no available plots

    Assistance in navigating digital tools and technologies

    In today’s world, where the Internet and networks play an essential role in business communication and promotion…

    Because you may not have the time or means to engage a professional…

    Because you may not be an expert in digital use…

    …there are simple ways to enhance your visibility online. Feel free to contact our digital advisor to discuss your needs (options for both individual and group support):