by PO_Factory | Mar 28, 2023
If you are facing a difficult financial situation, If you wish to anticipate a change in your family or professional situation Or simply to improve your budget management
by PO_Factory | Mar 28, 2023
The budget advice point provides advice on budget management and offers support at the first signs of financial difficulties and/or when consumer credit and/or unpaid bills accumulate. Physical presence at France Services Guînes from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm If you are...
by PO_Factory | Mar 28, 2023
While meal delivery is part of a policy to help the elderly remain at home and independent, it is open to all. This service offers home delivery. A team of two dedicated and attentive staff take turns to deliver your meal in the best possible conditions. The tray...
by PO_Factory | Mar 28, 2023
The Revenu de Solidarité Active (RSA) provides a minimum level of income for people without resources, and varies according to household composition. You will be accompanied by Olivier Decocq, Service Manager, and Caroline Corbeau, Solidarity and Socioprofessional...
by PO_Factory | Mar 28, 2023
To enable everyone to benefit from quality food, respecting freedom of choice and human dignity, with products from short, local circuits. The sale is open: Mondays from 1:30pm to 5:00pm, Wednesdays from 9:00am to 12:00pm and the last Saturday of the month from 9:00am...