Service parentalité


Contact us

Maison de Pays de l'Ardrésis
62610 ARDRES


Families need to be accompanied and supported in their role as parents, which is why the parenting service was created following the opening of child-parent centers in the area (Guînes and Ardres).
Our objectives? – Support and promote the parent’s educational role – Strengthen the local parenting network – Promote the parent-child relationship. – Develop self-esteem for children and parents. – Stimulate the desire to share and learn as a family.
How it works : Parent-child activities are offered throughout the year, for parents only. A digital version of the parenting brochure is published twice a year on our networks. You can also find all past and future events on our dedicated Facebook page @laparentaliteaupaysdopale.
A few figures?
Since opening on September 1, 2022, 29 parent-child workshops have been held. With over 250 participants in all.
Aimed at babies, teenagers and parents alike, these include cooking, baby massage, foot reflexology, parent-child relaxation, yoga, nutrition, painting, music, a forum for teenagers in partnership with the Collège des 4 vents, etc.
There are also 34 opening dates for child-parent drop-in centers in Guînes and Ardres.

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Contact us

Maison de Pays de l'Ardrésis
62610 ARDRES