Lieu d’Accueil Enfants Parents d’Ardres

A friendly meeting and play area for children aged 0 to 6 accompanied by a parent, grandparent or referring adult, and also open to future parents. La Bulle Verte lets you relax, chat, share, play and talk… Open alternately in Guînes and Ardres. Check opening...

Service parentalité

Families need to be accompanied and supported in their role as parents, which is why the parenting service was created following the opening of child-parent centers in the area (Guînes and Ardres). Our objectives? – Support and promote the parent’s...

Relais Petite Enfance de Guînes

The Relais Petite Enfance is a place where children can meet, enjoy activities and get information. Who is it for? – Parents, future parents, childminders and home childminders. What is it for? – To provide information on existing individual and group...

Relais Petite Enfance d’Hardinghen

The Relais Petite Enfance is a place where children can meet, enjoy activities and get information. Who is it for? – Parents, future parents, childminders and home childminders. What is it for? – To provide information on existing individual and group...

Relais Petite Enfance de Licques

The Relais Petite Enfance is a place where children can meet, enjoy activities and get information. Who is it for? – Parents, future parents, childminders and home childminders. What is it for? – To provide information on existing individual and group...