Sentier des Trois-Calvaires 12 km



The Three Calvaries Trail

1- Leave the Abbey and go down rue du Bourg. When you reach the village square, turn right and follow the sidewalk along the D191 for 750 metres. Turn left at the third street, just after the soccer pitch, and you’ll see the first Calvaire. 200m further on, continue along the path in front of you: you’re following the GR128.

2- At the end of this path, turn right onto a small road, then right again towards Canchy. Take the first road on your left, and you’ll pass the gîte du Moulin de Canchy, an old watermill on the banks of the river Hem, now restored as a home. Follow the path, which branches off to the left, and continue straight ahead.

3- At the intersection, turn right and catch up with the GR128. At the crossroads, turn right towards the village of Audenfort. Go through the village and take the road to the right, staying on the same road which bends to the left. Cross the bridge over the River Hem near the Moulin d’Audenfort and continue straight ahead. Continue along the path in front of you.

4- At the crossroads, fork right along the orchard.
Carefully cross the D191 and continue on the path in front of you. At the intersection with the D216, turn right. Once again, you cross the Hem river and pass close to Le Rouge Fort. At the intersection, turn right and follow the road for 750 m.

5- Before you reach the 2nd Calvaire, take the left-hand path along the Licques fields. At the junction with the D215, turn left and continue carefully straight ahead to reach Hocquinghen. On your right, you’ll see a well-hidden calvary at the entrance to a lane. At the intersection of the D215 and the D206, turn right and continue carefully on the D206. Take the first road on your right to reach the village church: you can admire the only church in our region, which has a campenard housing the bell. Leave the church on your left and take the path on your right.

6- After 300 metres, turn left and continue on the path for 500 metres. At the next crossroads, turn right and join the PR des Mille Monts, which takes you downhill to the village of Licques, after enjoying the breathtaking view over the village. You arrive at the 3rd calvary: one of the oldest calvaries in the region, the Calvaire de l’Abbaye was erected in 1742 by the Licques Confrérie du Saint-Sacrement. Turn left onto the D215 to return to your starting point: Licques Abbey, which awaits you on your right after a final short climb!

Sometimes on paths, sometimes on tracks, this stroll through hills and valleys takes you on a tour of the Licques area.