Sentier des Deux Moulins 11 km



1- From the Tour de l’Horloge, head towards Place Foch, where Guînes town hall is located. After the square, turn left onto rue du Maréchal Joffre. Continue straight on towards Calais, carefully following the canal on the left-hand side of the road.

2- After one kilometer, turn left through Saint Blaise – hameau de Guînes.

3- Stay on this road as far as the junction with the D215, where you turn left into Guînes.

4- At the Domaine de la Bien Assise traffic circle, turn left into rue de la Libération, then right into avenue de Verdun.

5- At the calvary, turn left and take the track leading to the Guînes state forest. At Moulin aux Corneilles, continue straight ahead until you reach the railway line. The name “Moulin aux Corneilles” (Crows’ Mill) is explained by the presence of crows, which used to swoop and caw around those tortured on the “Chemin de la Justice”, the path leading to the forest.

6- Turn left and follow the railroad along a narrow path, which takes you to the wood road. From here, head up this road in the direction of Guînes, then turn right onto an open path: a beautiful view of the Calais region awaits you.

7- Continue straight ahead to the “Passion d’Aventure” tree adventure course. From here, turn left and follow the path to de Guînes.

8- At the “cinq chemins” crossroads, you can see the Moulin à Huile on your right: turn right into Avenue du Camp du Drap d’Or (cross the D231 with care), leaving the communal cemetery on your left, and continue straight ahead.

9- Cross the town center and return to Place de la Mairie, then the Tour de l’Horloge to end the tour.

All along this walk, you’ll discover a diversity of landscapes: forest, fields, canal, not forgetting Guînes town center with its feudal motte and Clock Tower!